13 research outputs found

    IoT-based Running Time Monitoring System for Machine Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

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    Machines are valuable assets that need to be protected from damage and failure through proper maintenance measures. This paper proposes a system that automatically monitors the running time of machines and sends notifications regarding their preventive maintenance (PM) schedules. The system core consists of a programmable logic controller (PLC) and a human machine interface (HMI). The HMI is connected to an online platform via internet connection provided by a router, so that the monitoring result can be accessed via Android smartphone or laptop/PC. This IoT-based running time monitoring system (IRTMS) will be particularly helpful in implementation at an production site that consists of multiple various machines. The PM items of a machine may vary from cleaning, changing single component, to an overhaul, each with different time interval. By using the IRTMS, the user will have an overview of the PM schedules anytime and anywhere. The preparation of material, components, or tools can be known ahead of time. For simulation purpose, a prototype is constructed by using components as used in industrial real-life condition. Four output connections are provided to simulate the simultaneous monitoring of four machines. The IRTMS prototype is tested and completely successful on doing the running time monitoring, the running time reset, the PM notifications, and the remote access for monitoring and control

    Prepaid RFID-based Electricity Payment System for Rooming Houses

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    A prepaid RFID-based electricity payment system is proposed in this paper. The system is intended for rooming houses where residents’ electricity overconsumption and outstanding payment are to be avoided by the house owner. An RFID-card is used as the payment instrument. The system consists of two units, the card balance top-up unit (CTU) and the energy credit top-up unit (ETU). The balance of the RFID-card is topped up by using the CTU. With the balance stored in it, the RFID-card is to be used to top-up the energy credit at the ETU. Each of the CTU and the ETU is equipped with a microcontroller, an RFID reader/writer and a user interface in the form of keypad and liquid crystal display (LCD). Furthermore, the ETU utilizes a relay to control the flow of electricity. If the energy credit of a room is exhausted, then the supply of electricity to the room is cut off by the relay. The electricity consumption is calculated based on the number of pulses of the calibration LED of a standardized electronic energy meter. The pulse is transmitted to the microcontroller by using an optocoupler. The RFID-card records the current card balance, the card’s top-up history, and the card’s usage history. The energy credit is stored in the EEPROM of the ETU’s microcontroller. The energy meter is tested to measure the energy consumption of two loads based on the pulses of its calibration LED. The actual power of the two loads are 87.25 % and 94.23 % of the corresponding power rating. The card balance top-up process at the CTU and the energy credit top-up process at the ETU are successfully checked. After every balance top-up and credit top-up, the current card balance is calculated and stored correctly. During the electricity usage, the LCD of the ETU shows the remaining energy credit in IDR and kWh. These are accumulatively reduced every time the pulse count reaches a certain reset number, which corresponds to the electrical energy’s unit price applied. The proposed electricity payment system can be a solution for owners of rooming houses to secure electricity payments from the residents. The installation cost of the system is low and without the need to change the existing electricity purchase method of the house. The house owner also can individually adjust the maximum power limit for each room

    Prototipe Manipulator Lengan Robot Berbasis Arduino dengan Metoda Kendali Lead-Through

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    In this research, a prototype of Arduino-based robot arm manipulator (MLR) controlled with lead-through method is proposed. Through lead-through control methods, the robot movement programming process is replaced by a simple and easy robot movement recording process. The recording process is performed when parts of the MLR are manually moved by the user. Afterwards, the playback process of the recorded movement can be performed. The MLR has 4 degrees of freedom and uses four servo motors to perform rotational movement, upward-downward movement, forward-backward movement, and gripping movement. The servo motors are modified so that each of them has one additional terminal that serves to provide position feedback. On the recording process, the position of all servo motors is recorded on Arduino Uno EEPROM every 200 milliseconds time interval. In the playback process, the recorded position is sent to the servo motors as input, and the MLR repeats the recorded movement. The MLR is tested to move workpieces with accuracy requirement of ± 3cm. MLR is able to repeat the movement to move 1 workpiece for 30 cm displacement with a success rate of 80%. In addition, MLR is able to playback the movement to move 2 workpieces for 60 cm displacement with a success rate of 85%.Pada penelitian ini diajukan suatu prototipe manipulator lengan robot (MLR) berbasis Arduino yang bekerja dengan metoda kendali lead-through. Melalui metoda kendali lead-through, proses pemrograman gerakan robot digantikan dengan proses perekaman gerakan robot yang sederhana dan mudah. Pada proses perekaman (recording), bagian-bagian dari MLR digerakkan secara manual oleh pengguna. Setelah itu dapat dilakukan proses pemutaran ulang (playback) dari gerakan yang telah direkam. MLR memiliki 4 derajat kebebasan dan mempergunakan empat motor servo untuk melakukan gerakan rotasi, gerakan naik-turun, gerakan maju-mundur, dan gerakan mencengkeram. Motor servo dimodifikasi sehingga memiliki satu terminal tambahan yang berfungsi untuk memberikan umpan balik posisi. Pada proses perekaman, posisi dari semua motor servo direkam pada EEPROM Arduino Uno setiap rentang waktu 200 milidetik. Pada proses pemutaran ulang, posisi yang telah direkam dikirimkan sebagai masukan motor servo, dan MLR mengulangi gerakan yang telah direkam. MLR diuji untuk memindahkan benda kerja dengan tuntutan akurasi sebesar ± 3cm . MLR mampu mengulangi gerakan memindahkan 1 benda kerja berjarak perpindahan 30 cm dengan tingkat keberhasilan 80% . Selain itu, MLR mampu memutar ulang gerakan memindahkan 2 benda kerja berjarak perpindahan 60 cm dengan tingkat keberhasilan 85%

    Total Mikroba pada Tanah yang Dicemari Sludge Limbah Pabrik Kertas dengan Perlakuan Pupuk Guano

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    There are 83 paper mills in Indonesia recorded by the Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association (APKI) spread throughout the archipelago. These paper companies produce products in the form of tissues, various types of paper, and other fiber-based products. Efforts to meet the needs of this raw material produce innovations in the form of using waste paper by separating the ink from the fibers contained in the paper, this separation process is known as the deinking process. Paper mill solid waste can be in the form of sludge, pith, and biosludge. Sludge is a factory solid waste originating from the settling of WWTP which consists of 90% solid and 10% liquid. Paper mill waste in the form of solid waste from sludge contains heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Cu, and Zn. These metals can be overcome by bioremediation using guano fertilizer which is an organic material derived from bat droppings which is rich in phosphate. The purpose of this study was to determine the microbial population in soil contaminated with paper mill sludge waste treated with guano fertilizer. The parameters observed in this study were the total number of bacteria and fungi that survive in soil contaminated with paper mill waste as an indication that the land can still be planted with certain plants. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Soil Biology, Laboratory of Soil and Land Fertility Agrotechnopark – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Jember. This study used a 3x3 two factorial experimental design with the basic pattern of Randomized Block Design (RAK), namely between the concentration of paper mill effluent and the dose of guano fertilizer, each treatment was repeated three times. The microbial population can be determined by analyzing total bacteria, total fungi. Soil that had been contaminated with paper mill waste was incubated with guano fertilizer, each combination was analyzed at 15 hst and 30 hst for total bacterial and total fungal populations. During the incubation period, irrigation was carried out using a sprayer to maintain moisture in the incubation media. The results showed that the total population of bacteria and fungi in the growing media contaminated with paper mill sludge waste by administering different doses of guano showed results that were not significantly different, but the total population tended to increase. with increasing incubation period. Pollution of sludge waste in the planting medium has a significant effect on increasing the total Fungi Population when compared to the control. The relationship between paper mill effluent pollution and guano fertilization is very low with a coefficient of determination of less than 0.5

    Interaksi Dan Komunikasi

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    Sivitas akademika FKUKI berasal dari berbagai suku bangsa dengan latar budaya dan daerah asal berbeda. FKUKI dikenal sebagai kamus yang terbuka dan sangat Indonesia, tidak membedakan asal dan latar siapapun. Dalam usianya yang sudah 57 tahun, keberagaman tersebut masih terpelihara. Hal itu dimungkinkan oleh karena komunikasi dan interaksi antar anggotanya yang baik dan terpelihara. Bab ini akan membahas lebih jauh mengenai interaksi antar sivitas akademika FKUKI dalam perspektif Kristiani serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses interaksi dan juga komunikasi antar stakeholder FKUK

    Provision of POC Coconut Water and Tea Dregs Compost on Plant Growth and Production

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    The aims ofthis research is to determine the response of growth and production of sweet corn (Zea Mays Saccharata Strurt) to the application of liquid organic fertilizer coconut water and tea waste compost. The research cobducted in Trial Garden of Agriculture Faculty of Medan Area University, Kolam Street no 1 Medan Estate with height 22 m above sea level. Plat topografi and alluvial soil type was done since June up to September 2018. The research is using Random Designing Group Factorial with two factors, such as coconut water POC (K0 = Control (purn); K1 = coconut water POC 50 ml/L; K2 = coconut water POC 100 ml/L; K3 = coconut water POC 150 ml/L), and the giving factors of tea pulp compost (K0 = Control (purn); K1 = tea pulp compost 5 Ton/Ha; K2 = tea pulp compost 10 Ton/Ha; K3 = tea pulp compost 15 Ton/Ha). Repeatedly twice. Parameter which observed are the height of the plant, leaf amount, diameter of the stem, the sample each plot of plant production, plant production each plot. The result of this research is two show that the giving of coconut water POC is not really influencing to the treatment and giving of the tea pulp compost to the treatment and giving of the tea pulp compost is really influencing to the height of the plant, the sample of plant production each plot, plant production each plot but not really influence to the leaf amount and diameter of stem as well as combination among coconut water POC and tea pulp compost is not influencing to all treatments.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung manis (Zea Mays Saccharata Strurt) terhadap pemberian pupuk organik cair air kelapa dan kompos limbah teh. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Medan Area, Jalan Kolam no 1 Medan Estate. Tinggi 22 m dpl. Jenis tanah topografi plat dan alluvial dilakukan sejak bulan Juni sampai dengan September 2018. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok. Faktorial dengan dua faktor yaitu POC air kelapa (K0 = Kontrol (purn) ; K1 = POC air kelapa 50 ml/L ; K2 = POC air kelapa 100 ml/L ; K3 = POC air kelapa 150 ml/L) dan faktor pemberian kompos ampas teh (K0 = Kontrol (purn) ; K1 = Kompos ampas teh 5 Ton/Ha ; K2 = Kompos ampas teh 10 Ton/Ha ; K3 = Kompos ampas teh 15 Ton/Ha). Berulang kali dua kali. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter batang, sampel tiap plot produksi tanaman, produksi tanaman tiap plot. Hasil penelitian ini ada dua yang menunjukkan bahwa pemberian POC air kelapa tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap perlakuan dan pemberian kompos ampas teh terhadap perlakuan dan pemberian kompos ampas teh sangat berpengaruh terhadap tinggi tanaman, sampel produksi tanaman per petak, produksi tanaman per petak namun tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap jumlah daun dan diameter batang serta kombinasi antara POC air kelapa dan kompos ampas teh tidak berpengaruh pada semua perlakuan

    Adverse Events Following Immunization Report and Vaccine Effectiveness of Sinovac. An Interim Report

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    Vaccination is a prevention of transmission and spread and in order to establish herd immunity against the Covid�19 pandemic. Indonesia chose the Sinovac vaccine, which uses weakened viruses. The objective of the study was to measure the Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) 24-72 hours post-vaccination and its effect at three months after vaccination. An online survey was distributed to 1574 subjects who received the first dose, and 530 respondents (response rate 33.6%) who answered the questionnaire were sent the form again for the second dose, and 249 subjects responded (response rate 46.9%). From the first dose: 322 female (60.9%), 207 male (39.1%). There were 22 respondents who had fever on the first day and only five respondents on the second day. In addition, 147 (27.8%) felt pain in the injection site, nausea 30 respondents (5.7%), vomiting six persons, bloating 35 respondents (6.6%), and diarrhea ten respondents (1.9%). Fifty-nine respondents who got mild adverse events did nothing to ease their adverse events, 18 respondents took self-medication, 15 respondents consulted the doctors in the vaccination site. Only one respondent went to the nearby hospital for further therapy. Results from the second dose: As many 249 respondents (131 female, 108 male) answered respondents. The AEFI’s pattern was quite the same as the first dose. Keywords: AEFI, Sinovac, Covid-1

    Health Communication in the New Age: The Role of Social Media on the Behavior and Choices of Self-medication for Covid-19

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    During the early phase of second wave of Covid pandemic in Indonesia, the number of infected individuals increasing rapidly and exceed the capacity of the hospitals. Sick people who cannot be admitted to the hospital were forced to conduct self-isolation. During that time, a lot of information about covid drugs was circulating on social media and tempt sick people or those who care for them to buy drugs like those in social media chain messages. The aim of this study is to reveal the role of social media on the behavior and choices of self-medication for covid-19 among post-infected individual or to healthy people who are forced to take care of infected people independently. This simple cross-setional, questionairre based study conducted in the 1st and 2nd week of August 2021. Out of 308 respondents, 123 are male and 185 female. Most of the respondents has high level of education (University or diploma). 216 subjects are positive patients infected with covid and 92 people were taking care of their family members. most of the respondents obtain information regarding Covid self-medication actively, and they consider the information reliable, regardless their educational background. Nevertheless, most of them also consider the need to cross-checking the information. Keywords: Antivirus; Telemedicine; Placebo Effect; Infodemics; Cross-checkin

    Analisis Utilitarian Value Dan Hedonik Value Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (Alfamart)

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    The purpose of this research was to determine: 1). Utilitarian Value an affects on customer satisfaction, 2). Hedonic Value has an effect on customer satisfaction. 3) To find out whether Utilitarian Value and hedonic value affect on customer satisfaction. 4) To measure how much influence the Utilitarian Value and hedonic value have on customer satisfaction. This research is quantitative descriptive. The technique of collecting data using a questionnaire. The population in this study were the customers of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya TBK (Alfamart) in Batam. The sampling method using the Slovin formula, then taken as many as 423 respondents. The results of this study were obtained: the results of the t test variable Utilitarian Value (X1) on customer satisfaction (Y) obtained  t value of 5.905 which is greater than the t table (5.905 > 1.9719) with a significance of less than  0.05 ( 0.000 <0.05). In the hedonic variable value (X2) to customer satisfaction (Y), the  value of t arithmetic 136,479 which is greater than t table (136,479 > 1.9719) with a significance of less  than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05). The Multiple linear regression equation Y = (-1.351) + 0.413 (X1) + 0.674 (X2) + e. The conclusion of this study is it is known that the Utilitarian Value and Hedonic Value variabels that influence customer satisfaction of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya TBK (Alfamart) in Batam